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A recent review of Dappa in Foodepedia

Dappa  Grappa

Ooops no we can’t use the G word because Grappa has rules, viz:

To be called grappa, the following criteria must be met:produced in Italy, or in the Italian part of Switzerland, or in San Marino, produced from pomac with fermentation and distillation occurring on the pomace—no added water.

So as Dappa comes from Devon it ain’t really Grappa. However anyone tasting it won’t be too worried about that.

It’s a grape marc spirit made by theDevon Distillery who pull in the grape skins from vineyards around the UK and by using an authentic Italian copper still, with guidance and inspiration from an award-winning Italian distiller have created something very delicious indeed.

A powerful 43% ABV, it’s a heady brew, whether drunk neat as a digestif or shot into coffee to create that wonderful Italian concoction the Caffè corretto, or Coffee corrected, often enjoyed by office workers in the morning.  If only we could do that here without an email from HR landing in our inbox eh?


Full article can be found at